Fuad Rzayev

Fuad  Rzayev graduated from the Baku State University in 2000 and began his career in the department of Parasitology of National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, received a PhD in NASA in 2012, from 2005 to the present, he has Leading Researcher in Institute of Zoology in the laboratory of Parasitology. From 2013 to the present – Senior Researcher of the Electron Microscopy laboratory of Research Center of Azerbaijan Medical University.

Main researching fields: Electron microscopic study of the structure of eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms in normal and pathology. Features of the accumulation of nanoparticles in the food chain (plant, animal, human). Ultrastructure of parasites, Host-parasite relationships, Ecological problems of parasites.

Important practical skills: Preparation of selloidin, paraffin and araldit-epon blocks, acquisition techniques of histologic, semithin and ultrathin sections; Techniques of different types of light (LM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM); Techniques of scannig electron microscope (SEM); Techniques of morphometric and stereometric measurements at the LM and TEM; Techniques of fixation and perfusion by immersion methods; Techniques of histochemical and immunohistochemical methods; Parasitological and helminthological dissection methods

Dr. Rzayev is an author of more than 135 published works, which are published in various journals with high impact factors: Journal of Molecular Liquids, Journal of King Saud University; Neuroscience Letters; Devolopmental Neurobiology; Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences; Materials Chemistry and Physics; Functional Plant Biology et al.